Catch on meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Catch on
As verb :
लोकप्रिय होना
Catch on synonyms
confirm verify divine dig eye read fix discover tell settle identify peg establish check size check out pick up double-check eyeball learn the ropes check up on get down cold get down pat get hold of get it down get the hang of look-see make certain make sure pick up on size up detect demonstrate work out figure tumble certify add up to make out figure out boil down to have a hunch disclose reveal expose observe catch uncover note perceive unmask accept apprehend appreciate fathom comprehend take in get the picture compass envisage know cognize get the drift latch on receive gather glean descry apperceive be advised be informed be led to believe be told of get wind of get wise to have on good authority gain discern dig up smoke out stumble upon trip over simplify promote revive disseminate restore familiarize universalize resurrect spread generalize give currency make available blossom bloom multiply flourish thrive advance flower score augment batten rise bear yield increase benefit produce progress arrive fatten get on hit the jackpot do well be enriched bear fruit become rich become wealthy do wonders fare well feather nest get there go places go to town grow rich hit it big make a killing make good make it make mark make money strike it rich turn out well recognize think visualize envision image feature fancy imagine conceive be cognizant of become conscious of get the idea see daylight get through one's head feel suffer notice study experience view mind espy ponder sustain behold distinguish remark investigate weigh undergo appraise anticipate consider credit suspect savvy deem be with it catch the drift feel in bones feel in gut get the impression get vibes have a feeling explain tolerate master interpret seize register sympathize deduce penetrate infer possess identify with ken be aware be conscious of get the point have knowledge of make sense of take meaning exhibit bring to light excavate exhume show delve disinter uproot spark spotlight turn up dredge up ferret hit upon see the light stumble on unbury
Catch on antonyms
disprove invalidate misunderstand destroy unsettle ignore aid assist look away neglect help miss overlook confuse doubt hesitate waver begin start conceal hide suppress cover lose release pass over shun slight precede avoid disregard scorn let go go before lead not get dissuade disallow refuse misinterpret fail discourage stop be immune teach discredit shrivel wither languish retreat retrogress decrease shrink decline mistake disbelieve forget turn loose be blind abandon be numb be unaware disapprove free be ignorant pass by bury
Usage of Catch on in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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